Antolini® MilanoDuomo

Marbles, crystals, quartzites, and precioustone become the actors in a skilful play of light and shadow, reflections and colors, performing a multisensory experience between dream and reality.

Antolini® MilanoDuomo is the first Antolini® Stoneroom® flagship, a new and unique space where natural stone is the absolute protagonist.
The Antolini® Stoneroom® was born from the desire of the Antolini® family to tell the exclusivity and uniqueness of natural materials through a narration that leads from the material to the project, creating an emotional experience that uses suggestive visual and tactile elements.

Alessandro La Spada

The co-author of this tale is the interior designer Alessandro La Spada, whose extraordinary expertise and vision have produced a forceful, original context, in every square meter set aside for the display area.

Together with Alessandro La Spada, in the name of the trait d’union between dreams and concrete impact with which the brand identifies, Antolini® has created an aesthetic vehicle of infinite elegance and functional quality, where the magnificence of the displays, through formats and fixtures honed down to the smallest details, intersects with in-depth research and the possibility of choice of the materials.

Designer and artist, Alessandro La Spada is considered one of the finest interpreters of Italian style worldwide due to his inventiveness and creativity. La Spada can develop unique universes out of suggestions taken from the eclectic tales of real and imaginary characters. Extravagant and eccentric by nature, La Spada has always been fascinated by the emotional dimension of objects. A skilled designer, he prefers working closely with materials - and defines himself as a self-taught artist with an artisan’s eye.


An exclusive location, set between Piazza Fontana and via San Clemente, crossroads of the city center of Milan, is where Antolini® opens its doors to the world of interior design - architects, designers, furniture and kitchen manufacturers - with the intention to stimulate the use of natural stone and spread knowledge.


The different environments of the furniture sector unfold in the spectacular style of the location: residential, office, hospitality and retail. Here, the hub becomes a lab to suggest the choice of natural stone as a material of excellence - declinable in wall coverings, surfaces and floors, islands, furnishing accessories and furnishings such as shelves, desks and tables - to marry an idea of luxury interiors: both contemporary and ancient.

In the Antolini® Stoneroom®, you can admire the natural stones of Antolini®’s Exclusive Collection, Natural Stone Collection, Textures+, Natura Collection, Precioustone, Gemstone and Shellstone.

Come and visit us



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The data controller is Antolini Luigi® & C. S.p.A., Via Napoleone 6 - 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR), available by calling 045-6836611 or via email at

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